There is some evidence to suggest that the Minoans were active in trade and exploration around the Mediterranean, and possibly even beyond. The Minoans were known for their seafaring skills, and their ships were some of the most advanced of their time. They established trade routes with other civilizations, such as Egypt and the Mycenaean Greeks, and their artifacts have been found in places as far away as Egypt, Turkey, and Cyprus.Some historians have even suggested that the Minoans may have had contact with civilizations in the Americas.
Les anciens Grecs sont connus pour leurs grandes réalisations dans les domaines de la philosophie, de l'art, des sciences, et plus encore. Mais saviez-vous qu'ils ont également eu une présence importante dans le sud de la France ?
À partir du VIe siècle avant notre ère, des colonies grecques ont été établies le long de la côte méditerranéenne du sud de la France, principalement par les Phocéens, les Massaliotes et les Rhodiens. Ces colonies ont servi de postes commerciaux importants, reliant le monde grec à d'autres cultures et marchés dans la Méditerranée occidentale.
A video from California Institute of Technology about how early ancient Greek mathematicians built the tunnel of Samos which exists until today and why it is still relavent to modern engineering.
"Philo" in Ancient Greeks means Love
"Xenia" in Ancient Greeks means Stranger So, Philoxenia literally means Love of the stranger We still use the same word (Philoxenia) for hospitality. How an ancient Greek mathematician could measure the earth's circumference 2200 years ago? ![]() The resemblance of ancient Greek (2600 years ago) with modern Greek language is very big. The language that Socrates taught his students and Plato taught in the Academia is very much resembling our modern Greek. Moreover, M. Ventris very recently (1952) discovered the resemblance of linear Mycenaean language with the Ancient Greek Language. |
April 2023